Centenary MORE


Usually 4-5 hours session:
Focus on the Holy Eucharist, Adoration, Rosary, 3 presentations (one including on Divine Mercy) with Interaction and later follow up.
Attended by local Bishops, Bishop Peter Machado, Priests, nuns and laity.

16-17 Jan 2016: Church Consecration to Our Lady of Fatima, Idukki Kottayam Kerala

24 Feb: Mangalore: Bishop and 12 Priests, nuns and many lay attended. To publish the booklet on Our Lady’s Apparitions and devotion to Mother Mary & Rosary. The Fatima statue to be taken to Parishes. A committee is formed headed by Vicar General and Fr Francis D’Souza as the Diocesan Director under Bishop.MORE HERE

9 Apr Raiganj Diocese elactions, 24 Parishes with 102 Priests, nuns and lay. New Ex Com formed under Vicar General Fr Santhapoan. Quartely Diocesan magazine. Children Adoration.
20 Apr Calcutta new Ex Com under Fr Henry Saldanha, later met Archbishop Thomas D'Souza
24 April Construction of a Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima (Fatima Matha); Blessing of Foundation, Bathery Kerala

1 May Youth Apostolate of Fatima (YAF) half day Rosary workshop: Panaji Goa
13 May: 99th Apparition anniversary of Our Lady at Fatima (first) and 
Centenary Inauguration at various locations
Raiganj Diocese Statue to visit all Parishes and neighbouring Dioceses.

19 May Calcutta and Eastern Region
20 May Krishnagar
29 May Bombay: Kirol Our Lady of Fatima Church, Kurla Deanery, 2 to 6 pm

July-August: Holy Hours of Reparatory Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament by our Catholic School and College Children through the Goa Archdiocesan Board of Education (on going)

29 July Goa and Western region: Archbishop Filipe Neri, Bishop Peter Machado, National Ex Com, St Joseph Vaz Spiritual Renewal Center (Cruz dos Milagres) Old Goa 930 am to 1 pm

Aug- Sep Bathery, Kerala

13 May: 99th Apparition anniversary of Our Lady at Fatima (last) at various locations

16 Oct Delhi and Northern Region: 2 to 6 pm
17 Oct: Meerut: morning

23-29 Oct International General Assembly at Fatima. MORE HERE

Feb: Mega Marian Congress: Eastern Region


Youth Apostolate of Fatima (YAF): on-going formation through the First Saturdays


1.      Fatima presents to our modern societies the need to CONVERT HUMAN HEARTS! God is first! God is a family, the TRINITARIAN FAMILY AVID OF SHARING THE TRINITARIAN LOVE AND LIFE WITH HUMANITY! In Fatima, the children shepherds contemplated the Most Holy Trinity and were transformed by this experience of love as they were immersed in God as if in an ocean of infinite love, grace and mercy.

2.      Prayer is the way to contemplate the mystery of God. Those wanting to grow in their spiritual life must practice the prayer of meditation. There is no better prayer of meditation based on the Holy Scriptures that the Holy Rosary! It can develop the prayer of contemplation and therefore a profound inner spiritual life.

3.      Penance today is before anything else the sanctification of our daily duties. It is possible to be holy, living God’s joy and peace on earth.
4.      The First Saturdays Devotion creates the holy habit of monthly Confession, Eucharistic Reparation, true devotion to the spiritual Motherhood of Mary through the authentic appreciation of Her Immaculate Heart, as people renew their baptismal promises and consecrates themselves to God through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, soul of the Message of Fatima. THIS IS THE GREAT PROMISE OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY through the First Saturdays Devotion:  Peace on earth; conversion of many sinners; grace of final perseverance for those practicing it; the grace of unity and strength of the Universal Church against inner dissentions opposed to the Magisterium of the Successor of Peter (a special divine assistance to the Pope’s petrine ministry).

5.      Family prayer, specifically the meditation of the Holy Rosary! “The family that prays together stays together.”
6.      Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the antidote against the loss of faith!!!  Nations, especially those in most need of God’s mercy, because of their social sins, should consecrate to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1) to prevent the loss of faith among the faithful in our days; (2) to atone for the social sins of our time; (3) to bring the special Marian protection given to those “favoured disciples of Jesus”, like John the Apostle, who was closer to the Heart of His Master and Redeemer and who received Mary as Spiritual Mother at the foot of the Cross. MORE

7.      For obtaining these 6 results, the following pastoral activities can be organized among the faithful:
a.      The Visitation of the Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, staying for three days in each Parish visited while the Message of Fatima is preached from the pulpit but in a new way: focusing on the 6 New Evangelization issues mentioned above!  
b.      Public meditation of the Holy Rosary. MORE
c.      Holy Hours of Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament based on the 6 points mentioned above. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament by Children and Youngsters, following the example of Blessed Francisco Marto, praying for the triumph of good over evil in our days! MORE
d.      The extension of the public practice of the First Saturdays Devotion in Parishes. MORE
e.      The daily offering of our duties to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary as a way to sanctify our lives and offer testimony of our faith in Jesus Christ among our neighbors. MORE
f.       Spiritual retreats and apostolic workshops for families and people active in the Church to provide pastoral agents that will serve in the mission to re-evangelize our societies, taking special care of families.

Prof. Americo Pablo Lopez Ortiz

International President of the World Apostolate of Fatima



The Treasure of the Message and Spirituality of Fátima is to enrich the kerygma of others, as Fátima is before anything else a divine gift to the world in our needy times.
The World Apostolate of Fátima was approved as an International Public Association of the Faithful of Pontifical Right with some presence in 110 countries of the world. Our new Mission is precisely the most important task of the Universal Church in the third millennium: The New Evangelization.

This New Evangelization will be carried on through our charisma of knowing, living and spreading the authentic Message of Fátima, a perfect echo of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our times. And the Spirituality of Fátima is the spirituality of the Most Holy Trinity as contemplated in its pristine splendor by the beatific vision of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
This contemplation was communicated to the three little children-shepherds of Fátima, as the Light coming from the Heart of the Mother illuminated their hearts. And the Light coming from the Immaculate Heart of Mary was God Himself, was Jesus Christ, And the three shepherds were transformed in their inner lives by that Light. And the children were able to transform their families, neighbors and friends as they were evangelized by their witnessing of Jesus Christ, by their discipleship at such an early age that they re-wrote the theology texts about very young children been capable of attaining heroic virtues and holiness!
The new WAF “is a timely answer of the Holy Spirit in the difficult challenge of Evangelization in contemporary society” as clearly stated by Cardinal Stanislaw Rylko, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity. Pope Francis have said that “the new charisma given to the movements of the Church “are not a closed patrimony given to a group so that they can keep it for themselves, but are a gift of the Spirit for the Body that is the Church, attracting towards Christ who is the center of all things, and from where the power to evangelize flows out”.
The Message and Spirituality of Fátima is a one of a kind charisma for the Universal Church, a divine gift from the Most Holy Trinity to humanity in our times, striving for the conversion of many sinners, peace on earth, new hope of a coming triumph of the Kingdom of God in our days!

How can we be selfish as to secure for us and our exclusive membership this divine gift meant to humanity and brought from heaven by Our Lady herself?
The answer is to share with all the religious experience of Fátima, the transcendental encounter with God from this “high place where a Light shines illuminating its surroundings” (Fátima’s etymology), bringing a Message of hope and peace to humanity, with special promises of assistance to the Successor of Peter in times of turmoil, a place where heaven and earth are closer, “where we feel the witnessing of the redemption of humanity, by the intercession and the assistance of She who with her foot ever crushed and will crush the head of the old serpent. It is like if here (in Fátima)… the words pronounced at the Golgotha resound with a new echo”, as Saint John Paul II declared about Fátima.


The World Apostolate of Fátima struggles to make new members everywhere so that they will pledge themselves to the petitions of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fátima.
But, a new role and task is: The role and task of becoming "salt and leaven" for our Catholics, Ecclesial Communities and Parishes; for our Dioceses and nations, bringing to them the Message and the Spirituality of Fátima “to enrich their own charisma with the force coming from heaven”, offering the best echo of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and making possible the New Evangelisation of our world. All will benefit from this treasure.
The Message and Spirituality of Fátima is not a mere devotion coming from Portugal and addressed to a particular advocacy of Our Lady. We have to see the Message and the Spirituality of Fátima with "new eyes" as they are a charisma for the Universal Church of the greatest magnitude, a medical prescription coming from heaven to cure our modern world from the infirmities of atheism, agnosticism, materialism (ideological or practical), secularism, consumerism, ideologies of gender, destruction of family values and cultural traditions essential to our peoples, in a word: the destruction of our Christian Civilization built with great efforts and cultural developments that took centuries of constant missions and evangelization efforts all over the world.

We live a time where fathers and mothers have been replaced by supposed “experts” in bringing up children as the real world is replaced more and more by a fictional “virtual reality” that replaces human relations with electronic games and natural births with “in vitro” child births paying for rental rights of “hired mothers”. By ignoring the Creator and His order, our modern societies have also forgotten the creatures, the human beings, thus creating the conditions for violence, assassinations, war crimes and terrible destruction. By examining “the signs of our times” we can conclude that in no other period of history was humanity so unsatisfied and miserable, so unhappy and afflicted, while having at the same time the best technology ever available.

Through the analysis of reality we can ask ourselves: What is the Holy Spirit telling the Church in our days? To answer this question, we must turn our attention to the Successor of Peter, Pope Francis, the Vicar of Christ on earth, who is a unique man, rich in gestures and full of surprises, as he preaches with the full force of the Holy Spirit, a simple yet profound Gospel of conversion and renewal for the Church and the world. We live in a time of grace, a time of relative peace, as announced by the Message of Fátima, a unique opportunity to renew ourselves and the Church while there is still time, to convert numerous sinners. This is a time of grace and mercy exemplified by the proclamation of the Jubilee Year of Mercy by Pope Francis, beginning from December 2015 and extending to November 2016. This is a time for special honor of God, shown by a change in the way of life, in reparatory practices like universal pardon granted to offenders, remitting of sins, release of prisoners, debts forgiven, as a true “conversion of heart” takes place.

The opening of the Holy Door in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome is a symbol of the opening of the door of our hearts to God, the proclamation of His primacy: GOD IS FIRST! Yes, God is first in our lives, not second or third. This is the great commandment of the Message of Fátima.

                 THE OPENING OF OUR HEARTS

The opening of our hearts to the fullness of God’s love is precisely the key element of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, as it is of the Message of Fátima as well, and the request of Our Lady to let our hearts be submerged into the ocean of love that is God. As the three children shepherds of Fátima were submerged into the Most Holy Trinity and experienced the Trinitarian Love that caused their “metanoia”, their complete transformation into “new creatures” with a profound inner life and knowledge of God within themselves and with an accurate knowledge of their own consciences, “contemplating themselves as in the best of mirrors”, as God contemplates them… This is the spiritual effect of the religious experience of Fátima in its fullness.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, this Jubilee Year of Mercy for the Universal Church is proclaimed by Pope Francis precisely before the Centennial Year of the Fátima Apparitions, the year 2017, thus serving also as a great spiritual and pastoral preparation for the ephemerides of the greatest mariophany in the history of the Church. The Jubilee Year of Mercy should become a prolonged spiritual retreat for the faithful to make real the beautiful prophesy of Pope Benedict XVI at the end of his homily of May, 13, 2010 in the Shrine of Fátima, about the definitive triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: “May the seven years which separate us from the centenary of the apparitions hasten the fulfillment of the prophecy of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to the glory of the Most Holy Trinity.”


Our Blessed Mother came to Fátima as a teacher to introduce the three little shepherds to the intimate knowledge of the Trinitarian Love, making them flavor God as the most beautiful experience, assisted by His grace and mercy: “A grace experience that made them enamored of God in Jesus” as Pope Benedict XVI said in his pilgrimage to the Shrine of Fátima. The religious experience of Fátima opens the human heart to the mystery of God as through the interior senses of the soul, where we can perceive the sweet and peaceful presence of the Almighty. In our days, there are so many individuals who do not perceive God’s presence in their lives as they are too much aware of the external realities and the images offered by “the world”. Unfortunately, they have lost their capacity to relate to the spiritual experiences offered by the Good Lord to elevate our lives to Him. We must watch our hearts continually, preventing them to become old and rusty due to the many worries of our times, as St. Augustine taught.

As the disciples of Emmaus felt their hearts burning in ardent love in the presence of Jesus Christ, we can also see with the eyes of faith that Light which is God Himself, coming out of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as she did with Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco, turning our poor cold and unhappy hearts into hearts aflame. Blessed Jacinta had her heart burning with the fire of God’s love as she shared with Jesus Christ the desire to convert poor sinners. Let us follow the teachings of St. Augustine, the great spiritual master of conversion and Patron Saint of the Diocese of Leiria-Fátima, as he called his disciples in his book “Confessions”, to cultivate an interior watchfulness as to see God with “the eyes of the heart”, a heart that was created to live forever with his Creator.

This is the religious experience we all need: To come closer to God and become His intimate friends. This is the true religious experience we must seek in our pilgrimage to Fátima. This is what characterized the special relationship between Jesus and His beloved disciple, John, who was worthy of resting his head on his Master’s shoulder; who never abandoned Jesus and accompanied Mary at the foot of the Cross; who received Mary as his spiritual Mother in his home and in his heart; who received Mary as spiritual Mother of the human race.


The sign of our interior life in God’s presence is our charity. The three little shepherds of Fátima excelled themselves in opening their hearts, transformed by God’s grace and mercy, to universal love, to perfect love. We must build the civilization of love and peace, proper of the New Evangelisation of the world, one of the great objectives of Our Lady of Fátima, by following the example of the three little seers:

Sharing all we have with the poor and needy; offering to God our sufferings and the sanctification of our daily duties in an act of perfect love for the conversion of poor sinners; sharing our experience of God’s love with others who do not know Him as well as we do, as there is no greater act of charity than to witness Jesus Christ to our neighbors in a world lacking of faith; giving ourselves in donation, offering our time, energy and work for the welfare of others to achieve the civilization of love and peace that is the definitive triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

By the words of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in Fátima, we are confirmed that the definitive triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is a process that we may hasten or delay, expand or diminish, according to our response to God’s calls. This triumph has already begun as a process with qualitative changes occurred in Eastern Europe and Russia and by the prevention of a terrible nuclear war in the year 1985, according to a letter of Sister Lucia to Saint John Paul II.

But now the triumph must move to the hearts of human beings, to a renewal of our spiritual life, to the realm of human inner life. Let us make possible the collapse of the evil structures that enslave the hearts of so many with vice, corruption and immorality as the evil structures and historical ties that enslaved many atheistic countries collapsed after the collegial consecration of Russia and the world performed by Saint John Paul II on March 25, 1984. Now, we are living the stage of confrontation between the forces of the Woman dressed in sun and the red dragon for the domination of the human heart, as revealed in the Book of Revelation, Chapter 12.
The struggle has moved from the political arena to the spiritual arena for the dominion of the human heart.


The Holy Spirit is free to move as He wants and is full of surprises. Many of us are wrong when we want to remain attached to our own certainties, indifferent to the surprises of the Spirit. What is the Spirit telling us in our days? Certainly, the Spirit is moving the Church toward missionary conversion, New Evangelization, formation of families, renewal of the faithful from within, sometimes through a process of painful purification.

These are the same main forces operating in the Message of Fátima through reparatory practices as Our Lady foresaw our realities and needs:
Meditative prayer especially the Most Holy Rosary; penance, offering of our lives to God; consecration and entrustment to God through the Immaculate Heart of Mary; Eucharistic adoration and communion of reparation; frequent receipt of the Sacraments, especially the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.

It is great that the World Apostolate of Fátima has foreseen these calls from the Spirit and has adjusted its paths to the blowing of the Holy Spirit and responded accordingly:

(1)  The WAF is engaged in missionary conversion to spread the New Evangelisation through the elements of the Message of Fátima, that are precisely the same elements of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the great advantage that these elements have been adapted to the needs of the Church in our days not by a group of competent theologians but by the action of the Mother of God, who was sent from heaven to address her children and provide them with the latest state-of-the-art instruments to bring the Kingdom of God on earth, overcoming the tremendous confusion and darkness of the spiritual and moral crisis of our time. No one can prepare such a perfect echo of the Gospel of Jesus than His own Mother, the first disciple, Mediatrix of all Graces, Co-Redemptrix and Advocate.

(2)  The WAF is working toward the New Evangelisation through the study of the Message of Fátima, living and spreading it throughout the world, speaking in the name of the Church when proclaiming its authenticity;

(3)  The formation of families is our priority as it is precisely the priority of the Message of Fátima since the beginning and the priority of the Universal Church in our days. The Bishops of the Church recently met in Rome at the Synod of the Family, convoked by Pope Francis. By following the example of the three little children shepherds of Fátima, the WAF evangelizes our families through the action of the children and youngsters who bring their parents and relatives closer to God, as per the adoration of children and youngsters of the Blessed Sacrament in reparation for the sins of the world, for the triumph of good over evil in our days; as the Venerable Lucia did with Blessed Jacinta and Francisco, in the company of “Hidden Jesus”.

Thus, following the revolutionary methods of Our Lady of Fátima, we bring families back to the Church through the adoration and reparation of their children hungry for God in the Most Blessed Sacrament and through the Five First Saturdays Devotion and the Communion of Reparation and monthly Confession, known as the Great Promise of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at Pontevedra, Spain, a practice blessed by five tremendous graces from heaven: (1) Grace of final perseverance; (2) conversion of many sinners; (3) salvation of many souls; (4) peace of the world; (5) unity and strength of the Universal Church against inner dissentions opposing the Magisterium of Peter. This “forgotten part of the Message of Fátima” is the essential condition missing to obtain from heaven the definitive triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary promised in Fátima when devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is spread throughout the world and the Immaculate Heart of Mary is venerated alongside with the Sacred Heart of Jesus by the Universal Church (prophecy of Saint Padre Pio of Pietralcina).

(4)  The renewal of the inner self, of the interior life, is the consequence of living the spirituality of Fátima, especially the perfect love or charity communicated by the Most Holy Trinity dwelling in our poor hearts. This is the measure of the discipleship needed to witness Jesus Christ to others, the essence of the New Evangelisation, always open to the needs of the Universal Church.

Pope Francis has called the Church to go out to the streets, to make noise, to shake the corrupted structures of our sick societies, to never become too institutionalized as to close the doors to the “movements of the Holy Spirit”; always searching to imitate more and more Jesus Christ and His methods of evangelization who went after the “lost sheep of Israel”.

  1. To purify our hearts and the Body of Christ, the Church, it is necessary PENANCE!, PENANCE!, PENANCE!, as prescribed in the third part of the secret of Fátima. But, when there is no habit of practicing penance and the worldly spirit brings people to search for unlawful pleasures and desires, the only possibility is to be purified by suffering. The Church has suffered much in the XXth century, “the century of martyrs”. More recently, the agony of moral scandals have shaken the very foundations of the Church. As Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI explained in his pilgrimage to Fátima for the conclusion of the Year of the Priesthood, in 2010, and after consecrating all priests of the Church to Our Lady of Fátima, entrusting them to her Maternal Heart, for their sanctification and successful ministry, this terrible purification was needed to prepare the Church for a “new Marian Pentecost”, for “a new springtime”, the definitive triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary promised at Fátima.

The first Apostolic College prayed together in the Upper Room around the Mother of Jesus Christ for the coming of the Holy Spirit. The coming of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday is considered the birth of the Universal Church. The Consoler begun the evangelization of all the peoples on earth as Christ have taught His disciples and from that moment on the Church expanded in all directions.

The great Marian Prophet, precursor of the Message of Fátima, Saint John Bosco, foresaw the history of the Church and the world that was revealed to him by Our Blessed Mother. His prophetic dreams have a significant parallelism to the writings of Sister Lucia to Saint John Paul II explaining details about the Message of Fátima. The true prophesies are ecclesial, comminatory (conditional statements, providing the opportunity to convert, to amend life, “if” certain conditions are fulfilled, as these prophesies are not fatalistic, since they always give the opportunity to come back to the Good Lord to atone for the sins of our time and save souls from damnation, “while there is still time”), expressive and appealing, avoiding chronological precision and temporal security, as it is divine education to bring urgent calls to humanity, “where there is still time”, to bring us to conversion, to “metanoia”. We must not lose peace! The messages by Saint John Bosco and the Venerable Sister Lucia are the two faces of the same coin:

(1)  The New Marian Lepanto: A great Marian victory over the enemies of the Church at the end of the XXth Century…The collapse of the Soviet Union and atheistic regimes of Eastern Europe and the opening of these nations to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, after the intercession of the Blessed Mother and the special actions taken by the Marian Pope (the collegial consecration) who was instrumental in Mary’s triumph. As the First Marian Lepanto was the triumph of the Holy Rosary at the crucial moment where Christianity was struggling to survive before Moslems of the Ottoman Empire, and the Pope proposed the Holy Rosary as the instrument to prevail; the Second Marian Lepanto was the triumph of the Lady of the Rosary over atheism and the political structures curtailing the Kingdom of God on earth that were crushed by the foot of the Woman dressed in sun (Miracle of the Sun in Fátima).

(2)  The great tribulation: “The great tribulation will be short…” (MB, IX, 387). This will be the great challenge for the Church that will be experienced before the year 2036, according to St. John Bosco. The world will be purified through suffering by a war enduring 400 days. But complete nations will be spared from the destruction of the war for their inhabitants did not participate in the great sins of their time. Entire pockets will have peace. “At the end of this trial, the Church will shine as never before, and the immense majority of humanity will recognize the Lord and will live according to divine law. This will be the definitive triumph of Christ through the Blessed Mother Mary and His Catholic Church. Russia and China will have been converted” (Dream # 137).

(3)  The New Marian Pentecost: St. John Bosco wrote: “After the great tribulation, the New Pentecost will come: It will be the maximum triumph of the Church in its entire history” (MB, IX, 999). A new effusion of the Holy Spirit at one of the most important crossroads in history; when the Universal Church needed such intervention from heaven to overcome the attacks of its enemies. It came as the response from heaven to the petitions of the Pope in the midst of a spiritual and moral crisis that seemed to never end. This time, the Holy Spirit’s effusion will be through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as from this Heart the Light which is Jesus Christ Himself will enlighten the Church and the world. “Since the fire flames of Pentecost, it has never been seen, and it will never be seen again, a more brilliant sun for all the Church… Then, we will have again a healthy youth loving good and truth” (MB, X, 233).

There are, there will be, in many different instances, these effusions and illuminations of the faithful…

The great triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the triumph of the Church. Saint John Bosco saw the definitive triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the year 2036. 

Please note the relation with some writings of Sister Lucia referring to the chastisement of the sins of our time and that “it will be too late” to prevent them for they will serve to purify humanity from sin. The complete triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary may be accomplished after a severe trial, if the conversion of poor sinners is not as numerous as needed to receive from heaven the granting of such unique grace. If enough people will convert to God and will do penance, the trial will be spared. But, according to Sister Lucia “it will be too late”.

As comminatory prophecies used this language on time, it is understood that the response to the pleas of Our Lady of Fátima were not enough, are not enough at present but may be enough or may not be enough in the future, “while there is still time” to save the world from the calamity of war, one of the worst consequences of sin.

The culture of death with the practice of war, abortion, euthanasia, economic exploitation of the poor and the needy, destruction of the Christian family, sex libertinage, gay marriage and lack of faith in God, eradicating His presence from civilization, society and culture, will produce the great trial of suffering to purify humanity from the sins of our time. But there is still hope that the trial will be spared.

The Universal Church, all Christians and all men and women of good will must confront these terrible sins of our time and eradicate them from social life. We must do as much as we can “while there is still time”. Our apostolic associations, ecclesial communities and pastoral agents, must have a leading role in this enterprise as we have received the great treasure of the Message and Spirituality of Fátima to illuminate the world! 

Do not forget the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary promised at Fatima is also the triumph of the Universal Church against its enemies!!! Do not forget!!!

Let us entrust the Immaculate Heart of Mary with all our particular challenges as we humbly ask the Holy Spirit to give us wisdom, joy, strength and perfect love to seek the cause of Our Lady of Fatima and be extremely successful in all our apostolic endeavors through this Great Jubilee of Mercy and Centenary celebrations of the Fatima Apparitions.



WAF International Moderator
Bishop Antonio Marto of Fatima
Asian Episcopal Moderator
Archbishop Angel Lagdameo of Jaro, Philippines
Indian Ecclesiastical Adviser
Bishop Peter Machado of Belgaum, India appointed by the Catholic Conference of Bishops’ of India
Spiritual Advisor, Goa Archdiocesan Unit
Fr Conceição D’Silva, appointed by Archbishop Patriarch Filipe Neri Ferrao

Your Excellency,
Greetings in this Extra Ordinary Great Jubilee year of Mercy!                                                                                We are grateful for your time and sharing your thoughts on 14 Jan 2016.
INTRODUCTION: The celebrations of Centenary of the Fatima Apparitions 1917-2017 is a historical occasion in which we will express our praise and gratitude to the Most Holy Trinity Father, Son and Holy Spirit for this love, through Mary, towards a humanity longing to get up from the abyss.                                                                                                  One hundred years represent already a long pilgrimage through time, which invites us to “recall”, as Moses used to urge his people to do: “Remember how for forty years the Lord, your God, has led you all journeying in the desert…So, you must realize that the Lord, your God, disciplines you even as a man disciplines his son” (Deut 8, 2.5). [From letter of Most Rev. António Marto Bishop of Leiria-Fatima] 
BACK GROUND: The Message of Fatima is being preached in a new way, focusing on the 6 New Evangelization issues:-  

1.      Fatima presents to our modern societies the need to convert human hearts! God is first! God is a family, the Trinitarian Family avid of sharing the Trinitarian Love and Life with Humanity! In Fatima, the children shepherds contemplated the Most Holy Trinity and were transformed by this experience of love as they were immersed in God as if in an ocean of infinite Love, Grace and Mercy.

2.      Prayer is the way to contemplate the mystery of God. Those wanting to grow in their spiritual life must practice the prayer of meditation. There is no better prayer of meditation based on the Holy Scriptures that the Holy Rosary! It can develop the prayer of contemplation and therefore a profound inner spiritual life. The present spiritual and moral crisis is the product of the absence of prayer.

3.      Penance today is before anything else the Sanctification of our Daily Duties. It is possible to be holy, living God’s joy and peace on earth.

4.      The Communion of reparation of the Five First Saturdays Devotion creates the holy habit of monthly Confession, Eucharistic Reparation, true devotion to the spiritual Motherhood of Mary through the authentic appreciation of Her Immaculate Heart, as people renew their baptismal promises and consecrate themselves to God through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, soul of the Message of Fatima.
THIS IS THE GREAT PROMISE OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY through the First Saturdays Devotion:  Peace on earth; conversion of many sinners; grace of final perseverance for those practicing it; the grace of unity and strength of the Universal Church against inner dissentions opposed to the Magisterium of the Successor of Peter (a special divine assistance to the Pope’s Petrine ministry).

5.      Family prayer, specifically the meditation of the Holy Rosary! “The family that prays together stays together.”

6.      Daily Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the antidote against the loss of faith!!!  This loss of Faith and Morals is part of the Fátima prophesy. All ranks, especially those in most need of God’s mercy, because of their social sins, should consecrate or be entrusted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1) to prevent the loss of faith among the faithful in our days; (2) to atone for the social sins of our time; (3) to bring the special Marian protection given to those “favoured disciples of Jesus”, like John the Apostle, who was closer to the Heart of His Master and Redeemer and who received Mary as Spiritual Mother at the foot of the Cross.
For fruitful celebrations of the Centenary of the Fatima Apparitions 1917-2017, we seek your permission / advice for the following PASTORAL ACTIVITIES among the faithful:

1] Act of Consecration to God through the Immaculate Heart of Mary:
We request that this be done yearly from 13 May 2016 OR any feast of Our Lady by all Catholic Institutions in the Archdiocese, TRYING TO LIVE OUT THE WORDS, as a sign of unity (… “that they all be one”…Jn 17:21). Prayer format suggested in Konkani “Firgojechem Konsagrasanv” is attached.

2] The Visitation of the Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, with Holy Relic of Blesseds Franciso and Jacinta with valid certificate in Parishes, etc:                                                  The Bishop of Fatima has gifted WAF Goa two Statues of Our Lady of Fatima. We have no inclination or attachment to particular Statues or their parts like eyes. This Visitation, in Parishes while the Message of Fatima is preached in a new way focusing on the above issues which are Christocentric always CLIMAXING WITH EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATIONS:-

a.      Public meditation of the Holy Rosary.
b.      Holy Hours of Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament based on the 6 points mentioned above. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament by Adults, Children and Youngsters, following the example of Blessed Francisco Marto, praying for the triumph of good over evil in our days!
c.      The extension of the public practice of the First Saturdays Devotion in Parishes.
d.      The daily offering of our duties to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary as a way to sanctify our lives and offer testimony of our faith in Jesus Christ among our neighbors.
e.       Spiritual retreats and apostolic workshops for families and people active in the Church to provide pastoral agents that will serve in the mission to re-evangelize our societies, taking special care of families in this year of Mercy and the Centenary of Apparitions.
We request that we be allowed to start this is a small way immediately.

4] Play titled “Ave Maria” by Alfwold Silveira (who earlier did the Carpenter’s Cross) in 2016-17 contributing to the New Evangelization through the depiction of the Message of Fatima. We request you to attend, will send the schedule once ready.

5] Holy Hours of Reparatory Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament by our:-
a. Catholic School and College Children through the Archdiocesan Board of Education (on going)
b. Parish Catechism children through the Diocesan Catechetical Center and
c. Youngsters through the Diocesan Youth Center.
Here they follow the example of Blessed Francisco Marto, praying for the triumph of good over evil in our days!
6] Collaboration with Old Goa Parish (Cathedral) and Cruz dos Milagres Church for Diocesan level Marian Congress and Procession on 31May / October 2016-17. If you could request the Parish Priest / Church in Charge, we can collaborate.

7] Collaboration with Panaji Church and Bishops’ house for 13 October processions.

8] Collaboration with Carmelite Monastry, Margao for fruitful celebration of this great Jubilee Year of Mercy since there is a close link between Our Lady of Fatima and Divine Mercy and our Statutes recommend this devotion.

9} Collaboration with Cruz dos Milagres Church on the Stations of the Cross and Rosary Mysteries tableau / monument in whatever way possible.
If you could request the Church in Charge, we can collaborate.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, this Jubilee Year of Mercy for the Universal Church is proclaimed by Pope Francis precisely before the Centenary Year of the Fátima Apparitions, the year 2017, thus serving also as a great spiritual and pastoral preparation for the ephemerides of the greatest Mariophany in the history of the Church.

The Jubilee Year of Mercy should become a prolonged spiritual retreat for the faithful to make real the beautiful prophesy of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI at the end of his homily of May, 13, 2010 in the Shrine of Fátima, about the definitive triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary:
“May the seven years which separate us from the Centenary of the Apparitions hasten the fulfillment of the prophecy of the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to the Glory of the Most Holy Trinity.”

Requesting your Grace, after due discernment, for your permission / advice for these Pastoral activities for fruitful celebrations of the Centenary of the Fatima Apparitions 1917-2017 as we begin at the earliest in this Great Jubilee of Mercy!
Maybe your Grace could incorporate some into your Archdiocesan Pastoral letter.

Wishing you Grace and Mercy in this Great Jubilee of Mercy,

(Dr Celcio Dias)
Mob: 9822981418
Vice Chairman Goa Unit / Indian National Ex Bd / National Center
Secretary International Bd
Attached : 1) Detailed doc on “The Treasure of the Message and Spirituality of Fátima”

2) Prayer format suggested in Konkani “Firgojechem Konsagrasanv” is attached.