Past Asian

Minutes of the 2nd  WAF  Asian Regional CONGRESS
held at NAM Gu UAm 2 Dong 124,
blue army pusan city Korea

1.0              September 10, 2009 (Thu) 1st Day Welcome!
The delegates arrived, registered and accommodations were allotted. Later the International WAF Hymn opened the Congress by Miss Nida Ruiz, Jethro & Marianne Andales, CAF of the Philippines. At the inaugural function, the Blessed Virgin Mary was welcomed by prayers, incensing, crowning of the Statue of Our Lady of Fatima and placing a Rosary on her hands by Most Rev. Angel N. Lagdameo, Archbishop of Jaro, WAF Philippines National Spiritual Director and CBCP President and WAF  International President Prof. Americo Pablo Lopez Ortiz, who came all the way from Puerto Rico. Followed by the parade of the WAF National Banners from Korea, India & Philippines.

1.1              Msgr. Anton Trauner, the National President of WAF Korea warmly welcomed the guests, friends, National delegations on behalf of Rev. Fr. Peter Pyo Joong Kwan, National Vice President, the sisters of the  Oblates of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Korea WAF members. Then, messages for the 2nd Asian Regional Congress were read out by Prof. Americo Ortiz, WAF International President,  Mr. Nuno Prazeres WAF International Secretariat Secretary, Dr. Celcio Dias co-ordinator of Asian Region & WAF International Secretary and Miss Nida Ruiz co-ordinator Oceania Region & WAF International Board of Trustee member.

1.2              The Souvenir Program was distributed among the members. It was painstakingly and beautifully prepared in the Philippines by Miss Nida Ruiz, Chairperson of the Souvenir Program Committee. It contained messages of His Eminence Stanislaw Cardinal Rylko, President of the Pontifical Council for the Laity; His Excellency Most Rev.  Antonio Marto, Bishop of Leiria-Fatima; His Excellency Most Rev. Angel N. Lagdameo, National Spiritual Director  of WAF Philippines; His Excellency Most Rev. Lucas Sirkar, National President of WAF India:  Msgr. Anton Trauner, WAF National President of Korea and Fr. Peter Pyo Joong Kwan, WAF Korea, National Vice President,  Prof. Americo Ortiz, WAF International President,  Mr. Georges Inglin, WAF International Vice President; Dr. Celcio Dias, WAF International Secretary & Coordinator, WAF Asian Region and  Miss Nida Ruiz, Member, International Board of Trustees and Coordinator, WAF Oceania Region and Nuno  Prazeres & Ana Reis WAF International Secretariat Secretaries. It  contained the present program, report of the 1st Asian Congress  held at Cebu  City, Philippines, August 21-24, 2006, report of the International General Assembly at Fatima, 16-21 Nov 2008, details of National Presidents / Spiritual Directors, International Statutes, milestones of WAF Korea and 18 pages of photo gallery. There were articles on “The Christian family and the Message of Fatima,” “Questions about the WAF & the Brown Scapular”, “Mary in Scripture” and “The New Evangelization and the WAF” and 14 pages of advertisement.  Also the Congress prayer booklet containing prayers and hymns and Congress note pad were distributed. The Souvenir was also translated into Korean with the Liturgy.

1.3              The Marian Rosary was then recited following St. Louis de Montfort offering of each Hail Mary for an intention. The main celebrant at the Eucharistic Celebration was Most Rev. Angel N. Lagdameo on the theme “Reaching Jesus through Evangelisation”. Miss Nida excelled as the emcee.

1.4              After dinner, fellowship night followed.  The delegates group themselves by their respective countries and shared together while enjoying Korean food at the same time.

2.0              September 11,2009 (Fri) 2nd day Talks & Reporting 
Our International Hymn was well sung and choreographed by Nida Ruiz  and the Philippines group. Mr. Nuno Prazeres and Mrs Ana Reis made the First Power Point Presentation of “From Fatima to the World: Sharing a Family story” and later on “The Brown Scapular”. This was followed by reports of the respective WAF  National Presidents  under the WAF Asian Regional Division. WAF Korea reported by Fr. Peter Pyoong Kwan, WAF Philippines reported by  Mr. Nelson M. Tandingan and WAF India reported by Dr. Celcio Dias..

2.1              After the lunch break, Prof. Americo Ortiz  spoke on “The Christian family and the Message of Fatima” which was the theme of this Congress. Then, the Holy Hour followed in Reparation for the blasphemies against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This was followed by Rosary recitation by different members. Msgr. Anton Trauner was the main celebrant and  homilist  at the Eucharistic celebration on the theme: “The Holy Eucharist and the Message of Fatima.” Then Prof Americo Ortiz  explained the details of the Statue  of Our Lady of Fatima with open hands. After dinner was the talk of Dr. Celcio Dias with the topic: “Children of the Eucharist following the Three Fatima Shepherds”

3.0              September 12, 2009 (Sat) 3rd day Resolution & Business meeting
 After the WAF International song, Prof Americo  Ortiz  spoke on “Living the Rosary with Mary”. Then Miss Nida Ruiz made a Power Point Presentation on “The Way to Sanctify on Daily Duty” this was followed by the workshop on the WAF areas of concern. The following resolutions were approved:-

3.1       FORMATION:
  1. WAF Basic Seminars for all Catholics by country
What the WAF is all about, Story of Fatima, Sanctification of our Daily Duty,  Rosary, The Brown Scapular, Modesty in Dress (A Good Sacrifice that would please Our Lady), Five First Saturday Devotion  & Confession
  1. Developing Effective Leaders Seminar for WAF Leaders by country and Asian Leaders
  2. Training Course for WAF Asian Speakers

  1. Regular meetings of National Leaders with recorded minutes
  2. Regular consultation with respective National Spiritual Directors

3.1.2    MEMBERSHIP:
  1. Fatima Orientation (Schools, Parishes, Offices)
  2. Campaign in signing of WAF Pledges after giving of Orientation on the Message of Fatima and WAF Apostolate

3.1.3    PROMOTION:
  1. Tri-media (radio, television, print)
  2. Printing of promotion materials like WAF pledge, t-shirts, stickers, bookmarks, etc.
  3. Creating of WAF National Website
  4. Encourage subscription of WAF International Magazine

3.1.4    FINANCE:
  1. National Love Offering to the Asian Region
  2. Benefactors for the Asian Region

* All-Night Vigil / Five First Saturday Devotion / Cell Hour of Holiness – Holy Hour / Consecration – Brown Scapular / Worldwide Day of Payer for Peace and Life /  Pilgrim Virgin Visitation / Eucharistic Adoration for Children and Young People *
All the above-mentioned apostolate programs should be done by Parish level.

All the programs of the WAF concerning on all areas of concern should be adapted by the Youth Apostolate of Fatima.

The National Council composed of the National Officers, Chairperson of the National Standing Committees and Official Representatives from each Arch/Diocesan Division will be the one to approve the National Constitution and By-Laws and be approved/confirmed by the National Spiritual Director.

The WAF National Officers will make a plan of action for the Pilgrimage to Fatima, Portugal starting next year 2010.

3.2.1    MEMBERSHIP:
  1. The existing members should be motivated for membership drive.
  2. There should be advertisement through Sunday Mass Parish announcements.
  3. Small press release regarding the persons who like to be part of the WAF with small guidelines and brief history of WAF.
  4. A small talk for an hour with fellowship – coffee and snacks on a scheduled Sunday after mass.
  5. Pilgrim Statue to be circulated in various parishes with Eucharistic Celebration.

3.2.2    FORMATION:
  1. Once a month, a Rosary Prayer Meeting and some talks on Fatima Message as most of the Christians are unaware of the Fatima Message.
  2. Simultaneously make a Rosary Chain of each parish / deanery / diocese for an hour with an awareness that they belong to the WAF Family and its benefits.
  3. Get hold of the Parish Council and other Parish ministers and instruct them about WAF and nurture them for a short period of time.
  4. Allow each unit to function independently with the due representation to parish / deneary / dioceses/ nation and Asian continent.
  5. Arrange once in a year a full day program on WAF programs then assess them and evaluate them.
  6. Elections to be held at different levels like parishes / deanery / diocese national / Asian regional levels.
  7. Form a pilgrimage committee to work out a pilgrimage to Fatima and make them responsible for all matters connected to it.
  8. Campaign in signing WAF Pledges.
  1. Election and representation to central committees.
  2. An independent place to be found and infrastructure to be built so as to make the national and Asian Regional Office operate.

3.2.4    FINANCE:
 souvenir to be published.
  1. Volunteer donations of minimal value.
  2. Benefactors for the region.

3.2.5    PROMOTION:
  1. Through media
  2. Printing materials on promotion
  3. Encourage subscription for WAF magazine

  1. All-Night Vigil
  2. Five First Saturday Devotion
  3. Holy Hour
  4. Brown Scapular
  5. Worldwide Day for Prayer

3.2.7    YOUTH:
  1. WAF Programs to be adapted in consultation with the Indian Youth Movement

3.3              The Asian Regional Statutes were presented, amendments made and then approved and signed by the Asian Regional Official delegates in front of the Statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Prof. Americo Ortiz signed as a witness and congratulated everyone for being the 1st ever Regional Council in the World to approve the  Statutes. This was followed by the Holy Hour.  The said Holy Hour on the first day and second day were  led by Rev. Fr. Godfrey E.  Fernandes  of India and Rev. Fr. Rey  Evangelista of the Philippines, respectively..

3.4               Following the approved Statutes and on request by the delegates, Prof. Americo Ortiz conducted election to the Board of Trustees of the Asian Regional Council pursuant to Robert’s Rules of Order. Nominations were called thrice and public voting was preferred over Secret ballot. The following were elected:- 

Asian Regional President: Dr. Celcio Dias, (India ) was nominated by Fr. Godfrey E. Fernandes, seconded by Fr. Peter Pyo Joong Kwan and unanimously approved by the remaining delegates.
Asian Regional Vice President: Rev. Fr. Reynald P. Evangelista,  (Philippines) was nominated by Mr. Nelson M. Tandingan, seconded by Dr. Celcio Dias and unanimously approved by the remaining delegates. 
Asian Regional Treasurer: Mr. Nelson M. Tandingan, (Philippines) was nominated by Rev Fr. Peter Pyo Joong Kwan, seconded by Rev. Fr. Godfrey E. Fernandes and unanimously approved by the remaining delegates,
Asian Regional Secretary: Rev. Fr. Godfrey E. Fernandes, (India) was nominated by Rev. Fr. Peter Pyo Joong Kwan seconded by Mr. Nelson M.Tandingan and unanimously approved by the remaining delegates.  Prior to this, Rev. Fr. Peter was nominated to this post by Rev. Fr. Godfrey. Rev. Fr. Peter declined and was not seconded.
Asian Regional Trustee: Rev. Fr. Peter Pyo Joong Kwan, (Korea) was nominated by Rev. Fr. Reynald P. Evangelista, seconded by Rev. Fr. Godfrey E Fernandes and unanimously approved by the remaining delegates.

3.5              Then the Rosary of the Glorious Mysteries with slide show of pictures on the Mysteries was prayed.  Amelita A. Guaren from the Philippines led the praying of the Rosary together with the two CAF Philipines official  representatives and other leaders from India & Korea.  They prayed in their own respective languages.

3.6               The Eucharistic celebration followed with Rev. Fr. Peter Pyo  as the main celebrant and the homilist. on the theme “The Youth in the life of the Church Today”. After dinner, Dr. Celcio Dias made a PowerPoint Presentation on “Why Five First Saturday Devotion”

3.7               Farewell night. The WAF Korea members sang and danced lifting everyone’s spirits high. There was a “Crane –dance”, “smile-therapist”, “traditional performance” and “Karaoke- Singer Organist” dance too.

4.0              September 13, 2009 9Sun) 5th day – Pilgrimage & thanksgiving 
The Eucharistic celebration was in the morning. Msgr. Anton Trauner was the main celebrant who delivered the homily on “Strengthening of Faith and the witness of Christians”, then  Dr. Celcio Dias gave a Power Point Presentation on “Why Five First Saturdays Devotion?” He requested the delegates to petition the Holy Father for the promulgation of this devotion for the universal Church through their Bishops.

4.1              Then Prof Americo thanked all concerned for the hard work to achieve full success of this Congress. He listed out the International programs to be followed:-
1)      Children-of-the Eucharist Reparation One World Praying for Peace & Life , 2)  Pilgrimage to Fatima through Our Secretariat ,  3) Pilgrim Virgin Statue visitation,   4) Five First Saturday’s Devotion campaign, 5) Enrol  new members , Pledge , 6) Financial adequacy , 7) International Magazine and other materials  8) Formation programs / seminars.   
 Msgr. Anton Trauner thanked all once again for the Congress.. Dr. Celcio Dias then read out the statement of the Congress highlighting that the mission was accepted to be propagated at all levels as mentioned in the Charisma,  WAF Pledge and Manner of action of our Statutes. The good news was announced that Most Rev. Angel N. Lagdameo agreed to become the Episcopal Moderator.  Dr. Celcio Dias  and Miss Nida  Ruiz were the emcees. All the talks were translated into Korean language.
The Indian delegates agreed to hold the 3rd Asian Congress subject to funds in 2011.

5.0              Present on all days: Prof Americo Ortiz  Miss Nida Ruiz, Rev. Fr. Reynald P. Evangelista, Mr. Nelson M. Tandingan (total 20 from the Philippines), Dr. Celcio Dias, Rev. Fr. Godfrey E. Fernandes (total 5 from India), Msgr. Anton Trauner, Rev. Fr. Peter Pyo Joong Kwan, Sr. Mary Michaela Kim, Oblate sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and WAF Korea members (total 50).

5.1              Present on the First 2 days: Archbishop Angel N. Lagdameo, Mr. Nuno Prazeres and Mrs. Ana Reis.

6.0              2nd Asian WAF Regional Congress related events: September 7, 2009 (Mon) at Pusan Cathedral about 2,500 attended. Prof. Americo gave talks on “The New Evangelization and the Message of Fatima” and “The Spirituality of the WAF”.

6.1              September 14, 2009 (Mon): At the Charismatic convention centre, Seoul, about 600 attended a one day Marian Retreat. Prof. Americo gave a talk of “God’s Mercy”, Dr. Celcio Dias gave a presentation on “Message of Fatima: Hope for the World”.

6.2              September 15, 2009 (Tue): visit to His Eminence Cardinal Nicolua, Archbishop of Seoul.

30 Sep 2009
Prepared by             

                          rev. Fr. Godfrey E. Fernandes
                          Asian Regional Secretary
Approved by

               Dr. Celcio Dias
                Asian Regional President

                              Rev. Fr. Reynald P. Evangelista
                           Asian Regional Vice President

                      Mr. Nelson M. Tandingan
                       Asian Regional Treasurer

Seen by

                          Miss Nida Ruiz
                          Co-ordinator Oceania Region &
                         International Board of Trustee member

Confirmed by 

                         Prof. Americo Pablo Lopez Ortiz
                         International President

Minutes and elected board of Trustees of the Asian Regional Council confirmed by 

                        Most.   Rev. Angel N. Lagdameo , DD
                        Episcopal Moderator
                        Asian Regional Council

Report on the 1st Asian Congress, held at Ecotech Center, Lahug Cebu City, the Philippines from 21st to 24th Aug 2006.

1)      Introduction: At the last International WAF General Assembly of 21-24 Nov 2004 at Domus Pacis, Fatima, Portugal; after the Regional Centre Plenary (Caucus), our International President Prof. Americo encouraged the Regions to have Congresses to further spread Our Lady of Fatima’s devotion. This is the 1st ever WAF Regional Congress held worldwide.

Theme: “The New Evangelization through the Message of Fatima.”

2)      An inspiring, well prepared Magazine / Souvenir was released on the occasion containing Important messages, programme, Asian leaders list, Reports of the Countries,  Intl. General Assembly Report of  Nov 2004, Vatican approval report, Statutes & an article on Consecration to God.

3)      The following Committees excelled in all respects:
I   Executive / Steering
II  Working    -           Communications         --          Invitation 
                                                                        --          Publicity 
-           Secretariat                   --          Registration
                        --          Documentation
-           Program                       --          Souvenir magazine
                        --          Fellowship
                        --          Resolutions
                        -           Miscellaneous --          Accommodation, photo,
                                                                                    utility, Books & supply,
                                                                                    Physical arrangements
                                                                                    Pilgrimage & transportation,
                                                                                    ways & means,
                                                                                    First Aid, Usherettes, Liturgy
                                                                                    / Para Liturgy, Music / Sound

4)      The following were present:-
à Prof Americo Lopez Ortiz, our International President came all the way from Puerto Rico. He even gave his message on the 26th anniversary of the Cebu WAF Archdiocesan unit.
à Mr. Georges Inglin our International Vice President from Switzerland.
à Dr. Celcio Dias, our International WAF Bd. Member & Asian Co-ordinator from India. Also from India, Mrs. Connie Filinto, Capt. AS Braganza & Mr. RC James were present.
à Mrs. Maria de Fatima Furtado, _______________ & ________________ from Singapore were present.
à Total over 200 delegates from different Chapters, Divisions, etc from the Philippines were present in full strength. The ladies wore a lovely white blouse & light blue skirt displaying their “oneness” to Our Lady; many wore veils during liturgy.

5)      Objectives of the Congress:- 
à To spread and intensify the Fatima Apostolate by organizing and strengthening the WAF divisions in all Asian Nations.
à To strengthen the unity of the Asian WAF National Divisions, learning from each other’s pertinent  skills and resources.
à To develop and improve communication among Asian WAF National Divisions, making available a powerful Asian Prayer Network at all times.

6)      The delegates arrived on 20th & 21st Aug. Registration was done, accommodation finalized and kits were given. On 21st Aug at 1 pm there was Community singing & mysteries of Light Rosary with Tableaus. Then invocation….. Pambansang Awit. Ms. Nida Ruiz, member, International Board of Trustees & National President, WAF Philippines gave her welcome address in her warm & smiling attitude. She introduced each delegate.
7)      Then Archbishop Agnel N. Lagdameo, DD gave his keynote address. He is Archbishop of Jaro, Chairman of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines & WAF National Spiritual  Director. He followed the entire Congress very deeply in his simple & humble ways. Then the other WAF International officers Prof. Americo, Mr. Georges Inglin & Dr. Celcio Dias gave their inspiring message as in the Souvenir. Then Bishop  Julito B. Cortes, DD, Aux. Bishop of Cebu led the Eucharistic Celebration with the Theme: “Youth’s need for the Message of Fatima”. His homily was very enlightening and reproduced elsewhere. The Children Apostolate of Fatima, CAF (below 12 years of age) of Cebu Archdiocese led the choir and the faithful into soul stirring hymns.

8)      Following dinner, at the fellowship there was variety Presentations by the  Children Apostolate of Fatima (CAF) and Youth Apostolate of Fatima (YAF). The Emcee for the day was Mr. Jilson Tio, National President, YAF Philippines of Malolos diocese.

9)      The 2nd day, Aug, 22, 2006 (Tue) began with morning praise at 6 am. The Sorrowful Mysteries with Rosary Tableaus was recited following by Coronation of the National Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima, since it was the Feast day of the Queenship of Mary. This statue was gifted by late Mr.  John Haffert to Pope Pius X who gifted it to the Philippines when he visited in 1950’s. This is a miraculous Statue with many reported healings. It is usually located at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima, Valenzuela City, Metro Manila.

10)  Professor Americo gave his talk  / conference on “The Little Shepherds as models of perfection” followed by an open forum. Then, Dr. Celcio Dias gave his talk on “Sanctity of Life”. After lunch, Prof. Americo spoke on “The New Evangelization and  the WAF”. These talks are reproduced elsewhere. Then the WAF National Presidents of Singapore- Mrs. Maria de Fatima Furtado & Philippines Ms. Nida Ruiz gave their Reports, as mentioned in the Souvenir.

11)  The delegates and few WAF Philippines Ex. Com. Members were fortunate to attend Holy Mass and gain the Apostolic blessing with indulgence of His Eminence Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal, Archbishop of Cebu on the occasion of his Episcopal ordination anniversary. Many bishops, priests and many faithful were present. It was  held at Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe.

12)   Then we came back to Ecotech Centre for the Eucharist with the other delegates. Msgr Cristobal E. Garcia, SAP, HP, WAF Regional & Archdiocesan Spiritual Director delivered his beautiful sermon on “The last years of Sr. Lucia. “The choir was “Basic Rhythm”, which played very well. After dinner, there was Community singing and then an excellent Mini Concert on Original Marian Songs (OMS) by the Santa Maria Band, which included the Asian Congress Theme Song “Shine Forth Now More Than Ever”. The concert was well appreciated by all. The emcee for the day was Atty. Paterno Acabodillo, President Cebu Archdiocesan Council of the Laity.

13)  Aug 23, 2006 (Wed) began with morning praise at 6 am; the Joyful Mysteries with Rosary Tableaus was recited, followed by Community Singing. Dr. Celcio Dias spoke on “The WAF Pledge and First Saturday Devotion” followed by “Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel by Mr. Georges X. Inglin. Both were Powerpoint Presentations through the projector.

14)  Mr. Georges spoke about Our Lady’s magical number 13 associated with * the 13 prophecies of Our Lady on July 13, 1917 * All Our Lady’s Apparitions were on 13th of the month, except the Aug one. * Sr. Lucia died on 13 Feb i.e. if you add 13/2/2005 (the nos.) you get 13 * Pope John Paul II, the Fatima Pope was born on 18/5/1920: If you add the nos. you get 26 i.e. 13 X 2 * He died on 2/4/2005: total no is 13 * He lived 31 thousand days * He died corresponding to 13 European time * Pope Benedict the XVI is the 265th Pope; if you add these nos. you get 13 * the WAF official Vatican approval Ceremony was held on 3/2/2006: total of nos is 13!

15)  Before Mr. Georges Presentation, he spoke on Hell from a speech of late Fr. Marcel Nault which is being polished elsewhere. Prof. Americo answered the  questions since he is the expert on these issues.

16)  Then, Prof. Americo explained details of the Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima:-
·         The Golden Border (line) covering Her Mantle symbolises the Queenship of Mary
·         Her white garment symbolizes Her resurrected body after Assumption; it is a glorious image.
·         The chain & pendant is the form of the globe symbolizing the whole world.
·         Which is bigger: Her Heart or the globe? Her Heart is bigger than the globe because of super abundance of grace because the whole world has been entrusted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is bigger than all the miseries & evil combined.

17)  * Her Heart is opened with flames of fire showing the ardent presence of the Holy Trinity. “He will do His Dwelling in Your Heart! “From Her Heart came a light: the light of God which is the most profound ocean of love. This is the Mystery of revelation of the Holy Trinity. This happened at the 13 May 1917 Apparition. Blessed Jacinta would do anything to have the same ardent fire that she had experienced, because she was working for the Conversion of Sinners.
* The Thorns Surrounding Her Heart indicate the sins against God; not affecting the privileges & virtues of Mary.
* Her right forearm, is extended indicating Our Lady embracing Sr. Lucia to comfort her for her solitude. The Immaculate Heart of Mary was her (and our) refuge / fortitude. Our Lady took Her Heart and gave Sr. Lucia meaning that She is Keeping Her Heart in this world.

18)  * The whole Statue represents the Spiritual Motherhood of Mary over all mankind including non-Catholics; because Christ died for all mankind on the 1st Good Friday, giving birth to Her Spiritual Children in Her Heart. Therefore, devotion to the Immaculate Heart is the soul of the Message of Fatima. In St John Bosco’s  famous vision, the big column represents the Blessed Sacrament. The second column represents Mary coming to Help Christians.
* In the statue, Our  Lady is barefoot, as in hand-maids, servants &  slaves. She is a slave and Servant of God. Also, She is Queen of all creation, hence the Golden Globe.
* At the bottom is the Star of Evangelization. The 1st Evangelization at Guadalupe was that of Latin American Countries. Fatima is the New Evangelization.
* Below are relics of Blesseds Francisco and Jacinta embedded at the foot of the statue.

19)  After lunch, Ms. Nida completed her report; then Dr. Celcio Dias presented his report on the Indian National WAF Centre. Then the workshop was presided by Archbishop Angel N. Lagdameo & Prof. Americo. Archbishop Lagdameo mentioned that the Decree of approval, Mission statement and this Congress Report  should be sent to all Asian Bishops with a letter of Prof. Americo, through another magazine.

20)  Prof. Americo mentioned that “Annuario Pontificio” (Book) should be available with all Diocesan Bishops. It has all the contacts of the Bishops. He emphatically praised and thanked WAF Philippines for the excellent Congress. He explained the different facilities of our WAF International Secretariat including the website and the Advocate Card. This is the 1st ever Regional WAF Congress of total 7 Regions of the world. He suggested that the National WAF members of each country should have a meeting to discuss & plan on this Souvenir.
* In 1946, Sr. Lucia mentioned that Sanctification of our daily duty was more important that the Rosary & Scapular. However, before she died, she mentioned that now the “1st Saturday Communion of Reparation in honour of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is most important!
* For the Universal Church approval of the 1st Saturday Reparation, many Bishops petitions (even 40-50) are needed to the Secretary of State, Vatican. (Similar to the International WAF approval decree).

21)       Most Rev. Angel N. Lagdameo was the main celebrant at the Eucharistic Celebration; the homily was on “The Relevance of  WAF in the Present Times”, the choir of the WAF members of Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Basak, Mandane Chapter led the faithful splendidly. After dinner and community singing at the farewell night, there was excellent cultural presentations Regionwise:- North Luzon, Ecclesiastical  province of Manila, Central / Western / Eastern Visayas & Northern Mindanao. The Asian delegates gave their farewell messages. Mrs. Susan Fabularum, National Ex. Vice President, WAF Philippines emceeded the day excellently! Mrs. Amelita A. Guareen, Archdiocesan President, Cebu Archdiocesan Division in her 9th Month of pregnancy performed her cultural dance exceedingly well! Plaques of appreciation were presented to Prof. Americo, Mr. Georges & Dr. Celcio. Certificates of attendance were presented to all the delegates.

22)       Aug 24, 2006 (Thur), the final day of Pilgrimage and Thanksgiving. After the 6 am Morning Praise, many checked out and we left Ecotech by luxury A/C bus for Pilgrimage with Rosary recited enroute. The first stop was the Chapel of the Angel of Peace at Cansojong, Talisay City, 6045 Cebu. Rev. Msgr. Cristobal E. Garcia, Societas Angeli Pacis, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Spiritual Director, WAF Central Visayas Region  & Cebu Archdiocesan Division; the Chaplain welcomed us with the exposition of Blessed Sacrament & Benediction followed.

23)       Msgr. Garcia explained that the Chapel was consecrated only last year. When he was in the Chapel of Apparitions in Fatima, in 1999 he was in deep prayer at night; the guard unknowingly locked him in the Chapel for the whole night. Alone, he had a night vigil and got inspiration to found the “Angel of Peace” order through Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal. Before this, he received a sign from the Holy Fr: when he attended Holy Mass, since he was late, he was made to sit in the middle. At the end the Holy Father came straight to him. Msgr. Told his wish and the Holy Fr. told him that he has his blessings, but he would have to suffer much. He had surgery of the heart, which is Gods providence.  Below the Chapel’s main altar is the Throne of the Lamb.

24)       Outside the Chapel are empty niches  for the bones of the ancestors. Jesus’ Agony in the Gethsemane Garden is very important. God sent the Angel of Peace first (before Our Lady’s apparitions). At the 1st Angel Apparition, he thought the Pardon Prayer. At Our Lady’s first Apparition, She mentioned that God is offended. The Angel was sent to comfort Jesus in Gethsemane Garden. The Black Nazrene of Jesus statue is in front at the main entrance. The Relic of the Hand of the Black Nazrene was placed on the faithful later for veneration & healing.

25)       This is the first Chapel dedicated to the Angel of Peace with Blesseds  Francisco and Jacinta. It is the Society of Angel of Peace around the Blessed Sacrament & service to the local Bishop. There is liturgical formation & ministry. There are sisters in 4 houses. There are numerous statues in the  Chapel. Near the confessionals are St. Ignatius of Loyola & St. John of the Cross, to save morals of priest, before confession “That I may suffer more”.

26)       Other Statues are that of Pedro Baptist, St. Claire, St. Francis de Salles, St. Elizabeth of Portugal with the hope of starting a house in Fatima, St. Anthony Patron of  Fatima Parish, Martyrs: Blessed Pedro Calungsod, St. Philomena of the living Rosary, St. Lawrence, St. Lucy, St Lorenzo Ruiz. Others are Mary Queen of Messiahs given by Pope John Paul II where they never suffered a major storm where the statue was taken; St. Isidore & his wife St. Maria Lagreta; The Great Angel of Peace.

27)       St. Theresa of Avila, St. Rock. There in the side Chapel is Relics of 110 saints and the Indulgence Image of Sto. Nino (Infant Jesus). Then is the Augustine wall of St. William hermit for priests, St. Monica, St. Augustine, St. Rita. Then St. Domnic, Queen of the Rosary of Fatima. Behind the altar are the Mysteries of the Rosary in Pilipino style, all leads to the Blessed Tabernacle.

28)       The Annunciation depicted on the pulpit has St James, St. Paul, St. Peter & St. John. On top are the Holy Relics of St. Faustina at the foot of the Divine Mercy image. The Chaplet of the Angel of Peace was recited; approved by the Cardinal of Cebu Archdiocese; for the 5 wounds of Jesus; 10 times is for youth who do not pray ; so we pray for them. It is to be recited like 5 decades of the Holy Rosary:- “Most Holy Trinity, father, Son and Holy Spirit, I adore. Thee profoundly and offer Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ present in all the tabernacles of the Earth, in reparation for the insults, sacrileges and indifference with which He is offended. And through the infinite merits of this Most Sacred Heart and The Immaculate Heart of Mary, I beg Thee for the Conversion  of poor  sinners!” …………… once (Angel’s Reparation Prayer), then:-
“My God , I believe I adore, I hope and I love Thee. I beg pardon of Thee for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love Thee!”……… 10 times (Pardon Prayer ), then, “Most Holy Trinity …….” (total 5 times )

29)       Many visited the monument to Our Lady of Manaoay, before leaving the Chapel of the Angel of Peace. The Chapel is in need of the Holy Relics of Blessed Francisco and Jacinta.

30)       Then we proceeded to Our Lady of Fatima Parish which is the Archdiocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima at Basak, Mandane City. The Parish Priest, Bishop E. Manuel, SVD welcomed us and explained that it was erected in 1993. At the entrance, is a prominent notice on “Proper Dress in Church”. Then, we partook in the splendid fellowship buffet lunch which was catered. Then, we visited the Marian gallery of Statues and paintings Bishop Manuel  mentioned that the Shrine is in need of the Holy Relics of Blessed  Francisco & Jacinta.

31)       Then, we visited the National Shrine of St. Joseph at Mandaue City. Then we proceeded to the Minor Basilica of Señor Sto. Niño (Infant Jesus) and Magellan’s Cross. Also we visited  Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral again. Finally we took part in Eucharistic Celebration at Cebu Archdiocesan Shrine of Blessed Pedro Calungsod, where Bishop Isabelo C. Abarquez, Aux. Bishop of Palo delivered his excellent homily on “The New Evangelization through the Message of Fatima” Bishop Noel also concelebrated. The WAF members of Our Lady of consolation Parish Laray, Talisay Chapter led the choir very well. Thereafter, many proceeded to a shopping mall for dinner and shopping. Mrs.  Amelita A. Guaren emceeded the day perfectly well! Many proceeded the next day for Bohol Day Tour. Mr. & Mrs. Neil & Jane Villarito and Ms. Lyn D. Tabug excelled in pilgrimage and transportation.

            Definitely Our Good Lord and Our Lady of Fatima loved and enjoyed every moment of the first Asian Congress, more than what we delegates enjoyed. The measure of hard work & efforts of WAF Philippines at all levels will defiantly be remembered, cherished and well rewarded!

Ave Maria!

Sincerely in the Sacred Heart of Jesus & The Immaculate Heart of Mary,

___________                                                              _____________
Ms. Nida Ruiz                                                             Dr. Celcio Dias  
National President WAF Philippines             Regional Coordinator Asian Regional WAF
Member WAF International Bd. of Trustees             Member International
            Bd. of Trustees
            Chairman WAF Indian
            National Centre