On First Saturdays, 13 May – 13 October 2017, etc.; changes can be made

Before Exposition (Introduction): We are here to pray, adore, make reparation, raise our petitions and thank our Redeemer Jesus, who is God-the Supreme Being Really Present here in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, for the conversion of poor sinners.1 in this Fatima Centenary Jubilee Year.PLEASE KNEEL….

The Main celebrant now proceeds to expose the Most Blessed Sacrament                  

Moderator: Please kneel: In the name of The Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.                                                                    
Hymn: O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine all Praise and all thanks giving be every moment Thine. 

We shall now recite the Eucharist Prayer, (please repeat): “O Most Holy Trinity/ I adore Thee! / My God, my God, I love Thee/ in the Most Blessed Sacrament!” (3 times) 
SPEND FEW MOMENTS KNEELING IN DEEP ADORATION…….                                            We shall now recite the Apostles’ Creed:   
I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended into hell; on the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Fatheralmighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

We will now recite the Angel’s Reparation and Pardon prayer FOR THE CONVERSION OF POOR SINNERS 2:

(Please repeat):  “Most Holy Trinity,/ Father, Son/ and the Holy Spirit,/ I adore Thee profoundly/ and offer Thee/ the Most Precious Body,/ Blood, Soul/ and Divinity/ of Jesus Christ/ present in all the tabernacles/ of the world,/ in reparation/ for the outrages,/ sacrileges/ and the indifferences/ by which He is offended./ And through the infinite merits/ of His Most Sacred Heart,/ and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,/ I beg of Thee/ the conversion of poor sinners” (once)

(Please repeat):  “My God, I believe,/ I adore, I hope/ and I love Thee
I ask pardon of Thee/ for those who do not believe,/ do not adore, /do not hope/ and do not love Thee” (3 times)
“Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, Have mercy on us and on the Whole World” (3 times)

(You may now sit): We will now reflect on Pope Francis’ Messages of 11 May and October 2016 on Our Lady::
Pope Francis said Our Lady of Fatima “invites us once again to turn to prayer, penance, and conversion.....Our Lady asks us to never offend God again. She forewarns all humanity about the necessity of abandoning oneself to God, the source of love and mercy.......                                                                                           Following the example of St. John Paul II, a great devotee of Our Lady of Fatima, let us listen attentively to the Mother of God and ask for peace for the world – “Praised be Jesus Christ!”
 “The Rosary is the prayer that always accompanies my life: it is also the prayer of simple people and is the prayer of my heart.......
The Rosary is “a synthesis of Divine Mercy.” With Mary, in the mysteries of the Rosary, we contemplate the life of Jesus which irradiates the mercy of the Father. Let us rejoice in His love and forgiveness, let us recognize it in others and in those who are needy, let us live His Gospel every day.......                                                                       Our Lady is always close to Her children and ready to help when we pray to Her, when we ask for Her protection… let us remember She is always ready to serve and never keeps anyone waiting.”. 

We will now pray one Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be for our Holy Fathers Pope Francis and Benedict 16th, Our Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao……….., all priests, (mention names of your local priests), religious, and the entire Church to carry out their mission to the fullest. Sanctify, strengthen, give them good health and configure them to your Sacred Heart

Spend few moments in silence

Optional: Most Holy Rosary / Divine Mercy Chaplet….then Hymn

Spend few moments placing your needs at the feet of Our Eucharistic Lord in ‘Holy Silence’…He may want to tell you something in your heart…
HYMN: All to Jesus, I surrender…………

 “O Virgin Mary/ My Mother/ I give to Your Immaculate Heartmy body and my soul/ my thoughts and my actions// I want to be/ just what You/ want me to be/ and do just what/ You want me to do// I am not afraid /because You are/ always with me// Help me/ to love Your Son, Jesus/ with all my heart/ and above all things// Take my hand in yours/ so I can always be with You / Amen//4

CONCLUDING PRAYER: Lord, we have spent these precious moments in Your august presence, keep our faith alive and burning bright, help us to follow Your Commandments, fill us with Your Mercy and abundant Graces.

LET US PRAY: O God who in this wondrous Sacrament have left us as memorial of Your Passion, grant us we beseech You, so to revere, the Sacred Mysteries of Your Body and Blood, that we may continually find in our souls, the fruit of Your redemption, who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

Blessed be God.
Blessed be His Holy Name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man.
Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His Most precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary Most Holy.
Blessed be Her Holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be Her Glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the Name of Mary, Virgin and Mother.
Blessed be St. Joseph Her Most Chaste Spouse.
Blessed be God in His Angles and in His Saints!

Moderator: In the name of The Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.  

RECESSIONAL HYMN AND MESSAGE OF FATHER if possible to follow this example of Blessed Francisco of Fatima of consoling “Hidden Jesus” in the Blessed Sacrament as often as possible to be happy and peaceful by overcoming the evils of our times, by the power of the Holy Spirit! We shall receive the “consolation of their incomparable victory of their precious prayers!”5
JESUS in the Gospel has a special predilection for the little ones. So has Mary, His Mother, and She has consistently shown this in the course of history. Jesus and Mary seem to entrust to children the problems of the humankind and of the Church. 6

Regulations to be followed: The posture of kneeling or of bowing low at adoration expresses the recognition of our humility before the Almighty Lord (cf. Phil 2:10).When the priest and the faithful kneel before the Eucharist (cf. IGMR, 43), they express their faith in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the sacrament of the altar. (cf. CCC, 1387). In kneeling before the Eucharist and adoring the Lamb who allows us to celebrate the Pasch with Him, we are taught not to bow down before man-made idols, and we are given the capacity to obey Him whom we recognize as the only Lord of the Church and
the world in a spirit of fidelity, docility and veneration. Kneeling is an apt sign of reverence for the Blessed Sacrament. Our modest and fitting dress (avoiding shorts and indecent apparel) signifies our belief in and worship for the Holy Eucharist. For exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance, four to six candles are lighted, as at Mass, and incense is used. For exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the ciborium, at least two candles should be lighted and incense may be used.7
1 cf. CCC, 1387
   2 Imprimatur: Cardinal of Cebu Archdiocese Philippines, His Excellency Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal. These are prayers that the Angel of Peace taught the three shepherd children, aged 6, 7 and 8 at Fatima, can be recited here in the form of a Chaplet. The 5 decades is for the 5 wounds of Jesus; 10 times is for the age group of around 10 years ..
    3 Synod of Bishops Prayer on the Family, Oct. 2014 
    4 Imprimatur: Archbishop John C. Nienstedt, Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Nov 13, 2009.
     5Pope Benedict XV, excerpt from the Homily to the Children of Europe, July, 1916
     6Message of Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao of Goa and Daman dated 6 October 2006.
    7 From the offices of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, 15 October 2004

SurvatechimUtram: Ami hea povitr zagear ekttaim zaleanv magnnem korunk, nomoskar korunk, farikponn diunk ani dhinvassunk Jezuk zo hanga hajir assa aple Kuddin, Rogtan ani Devponnan, babddeam patkeanchem mon bodlunk 1 Fatima disnneank 100 vorsam bhortanam hea kherit vellar. Ami atam dimbier poddom-ia ani taka nomoskar korum-ia.
Sogllim dimbi ghalum-ia

Bapache ani Putache ani Povitr Atmeache nanvim –Amen.

Jezuk amche modem kherit ponnim svagot korunk  Git gheum-ia – R 31. Sacramentan Ravlelea

Nomoskarachem Magnnem 
(dimbier ravun 3 pautti mhunnum-ia)
Bhou Povitr Tritve, hanv tuka nomoskar kortam. Mhojea Dhonia ani Mhojea Deva, hanv tuzo mog kortam. Unddea rupan Sacramentan ravlolea Jezu tuzo chodd ani chodd mog kortam. (Il’lem ogeponn sambhallum-ia).
Atam Bhavartachi Ucharnni Korum-ia Sotman'tam Devak, sorv-podvedar Bapak, sorga ani prithumechaea Rochnnarak. Ani Jezu Kristak, Tachea ekleach Putrak, amchea Svamiak To Povitr Atmea vorvim gorbhim sombhovlo, Ankvar Marie thaun zolmolo, Pons Pilata khal Tannem koxtt sosle, Taka khursar zoddlo To melo ani Taka nikhipilo.To mel'leam modhem denvlo, tisrea disa mel'leantlo jivont zalo. Sorgar choddlo, sorv-podvedar Deva Bapachea uzveak bosla, Thoim thaun / jiveam ani mel'leanchi / mon'subi korunk ietolo. Sotman'tam Povitr Atmeak, / Katolik Povitr Sobhek, bhoktancho ektar, Patkanchem bhogsonnem, kuddichem Jivontponn, Sasnnachem Jivit, Amen.

Patkanchem Farikponn ani Bhogsonnem Magunk Magnnem.
Atam ami farikponnachem ani bhogsonneachem magnnem korteleanv jem xantichea anj-bhoddvean Fatimachea tegam 6, 7 ani 8 vorsamchea rakhnnea bhurgeank xikoil’lem.
Bhou Povitr Tritvi, Bapa, Puta ani Povitr Atmea, sorpott poddun hanv tuka nomoskar kortam ani Tuka bhettoitam akhea sonvsarantleam tabernaklamnim astea Jezu Kristachi Kudd, Rogot, Atmo ani Devponn diuncheak farikponn bemananchem, sakrilejanchem ani befirinchem jim Tuka opmanaitat, ani Tachea bhou Povitr Kallzachea ogonnit punneam khatir ani Moriechea Khotavinn Kallza vorvim babddeam patkeanchem konversanv hanv poratun magtam”.

Mhojea Deva hanv sotman’tam, nomoskar kortam, bhorvanso dhortam ani hanv Tuzo mog kortam, Hanv bhogsonnem magtam je konn Tujer bhavart dhorinant, nomoskar korinant, bhorvanso dhorinant, nhoim mhonn Tuzo mog pasun korinant. (3 pavtti).

Povitr Deva, Povitr Sorvpodvedara, Povitr Mornnavinn, amchi ani sogllea sonvsarachi kakut kor. (3 pavtti).

Portugalachea Rakhnnea Bhoddveachi Bhasavnni Sogllea vostumni teag kor, ani tem teagi jivit Devak bhettoi patkachea farikponnam khatir ani patkeanche novsornne khatir, kiteak patkam adharun ami Devak okman kela.  Hea vorvim tum tujea desant xanti haddtoloi.
(You may now sit): We will now reflect on Pope Francis’ Messages of 11 May and October 2016 on Our Lady and the Rosary:
Pope Francis said Our Lady of Fatima “invites us once again to turn to prayer, penance, and conversion.....Our Lady asks us to never offend God again. She forewarns all humanity about the necessity of abandoning oneself to God, the source of love and mercy.......                                                                                           Following the example of St. John Paul II, a great devotee of Our Lady of Fatima, let us listen attentively to the Mother of God and ask for peace for the world – “Praised be Jesus Christ!”
 “The Rosary is the prayer that always accompanies my life: it is also the prayer of simple people and is the prayer of my heart.......
The Rosary is “a synthesis of Divine Mercy.” With Mary, in the mysteries of the Rosary, we contemplate the life of Jesus which irradiates the mercy of the Father. Let us rejoice in His love and forgiveness, let us recognize it in others and in those who are needy, let us live His Gospel every day.......                                                                       Our Lady is always close to Her children and ready to help when we pray to Her, when we ask for Her protection… let us remember She is always ready to serve and never keeps anyone waiting.”. 

We will now pray one Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be for our Holy Fathers Pope Francis and Benedict 16th, Our Archbishop Filipe Neri Ferrao……….., all priests, (mention names of your local priests), religious, and the entire Church to carry out their mission to the fullest. Sanctify, strengthen, give them good health and configure them to your Sacred Heart

Saibinnicho Ters vo Kakluticho Ters (Zai zalear korcho)                                  
Git gheum-ia ...............
Il’loso vell ogeponnan sarum-ia. Amcheo gorzo Jezuchea paiamxim ghalum-ia. Jezu amche lagim ulounk sodta. Tancho sondex aikum-ia.

Mariechea Khotavinn Kallzak Bhettounni 
(Dimbi ghalum-ia)
Bhou Bhagevont Marie, mhoji Avoi, hanv Tujea khotavinn kallzak bhettoitam mhoji kudd ani mhozo otmo, mhojim chitnam ani mhojeo kornneo. Tuka zai tossoch hanv zaunk sodtam, ani tuka zai tench hanv korunk sodtam. Mhaka koslich bhirant nam, kiteak Tum mhojea sangata asai. Sogllea mhojea kallzan ani soglleam vostum poros odik ani odik mog tujea Puta Jezucho korunk, Tuzo adar di. Tujea hatant mhozo hat ghaltam ani Tujea panvllamnim chollun, sodanch mhojea sangata rav Maie. Amen. 4

XevottachemMagnnem: Somia Jezu, Tuje mukhar ami magnnean vell sarla. Amcho bhavart jivo dovor, to porzollit kor, Tujeo adnia sambhallunk adar di ani Tuji kaklut ani kurpa favo kor. Marie, Porom – Sonvskarache Maie, ami Tuka argham ditanv Tuvem amkam Fatimachea tegam rakhnnea bhurgeam vorvim dil’lea sondexa khatir.
(Atam dimbier poddun, axirvad gheunk toiar zau-ia.)
Git- R – 35 Sonvskara Itlea Vortea Nomoskarachem Git.
Devachi Vakhanni
Sodoiv zaum Dev,
Sodoiv zaum Devachem Bhou Povitr Nanv,
Sodoiv zaum Jezu, niz Dev ani niz Monis,
Sodoiv zaum Jezuchem Nanv,
Sodoiv zaum Jezuchem Bhou Povitr Kalliz,
Sodoiv zaum Jezuchem Bhou Amolik Rogot
Sodoiv zaum Jezu Bhou Povitr Sacramentant Altara velea
Sodoiv zaum Dev Spirit Sant Buzvonnar,
Sodoiv zaum vhodd Devachi Mai, bhou Bhagevont Marie,
Sodoiv zaum Mariecho Povitr ani Khotavinn Gorb-Sombhou,
Sodoiv zaum Mariechem Onodvont kuddi-atmea soit Sorgar vhorop,
Sodoiv zaum Mariechem Nanv, Ti Ankvar ani Mai,
Sodoiv zaum Bhagevont Jose, Mariecho Bhou nirmoll Poti,
Sodoiv zaum Dev, Tacheam Bhoddveam ani Bhoktam thaim.

Xevottachem Git:.......

Bapache ani Putache ani Povitr Atmeache nanvim –Amen.